The 12 finalists have been selected and we now need your help to decide on the winners! This year, voting can be done in person or online. Voting is open until 2:30pm on Friday, November 18.
** In person ** Prints of the finalist images have been perfectly placed outside my office in the 3rd floor C-Wing break area. Come by to view them and cast your ballot.
** Online ** You can also cast your vote online: https://cuboulder.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_a3DNEx7b1kk7XoO
A couple of rules about voting:
- Please vote for your top 3 images (1st place, 2nd place and 3rd place)
- Anyone can vote - you don’t have to be affiliated with BioFrontiers or CU Boulder
- Please, only vote once
- No campaigning or bribing for votes. Let’s keep it honest, people!