Nikon AXR laser scanning confocal

The Nikon AXR laser scanning confocal is an inverted, epi-fluorescence microscope enclosed within an Oko Labs environmental chamber.
This microscope uses point scanning laser illumination, and a single optical pinhole is placed within the emission path at the conjugate focal plane to reject out-of-focus light. As a result, this microscope captures light from an individual optical section. For this reason, the Nikon AXR is exceptional for volumetric imaging of cells under adherent and 3D environments. Multiple optical sections can also be captured and combined to generate a 3D image. Compared to the spinning disc confocal, the diameter of the pinhole can be adjusted to match the excitation wavelength and objective of the system, which allows for much more accurate 3D images of thick samples. This microscope is well-suited for applications requiring rapid and multi-dimensional imaging.
Main features:
- Perfect Focus System (PFS) to maintain sample focus
- Fully-motorized and programmable translation stage to capture multiple wells, locations or large images
- Cage incubator for long-term time-lapse imaging
- Fluorescence excitation with up to 8 laser lines
- Spectral emission determination to discriminate similar fluorophores
- Water immersion objectives for proper refractive index matching of live samples